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Rotary Club of Fredericton Sunrise GED Bursary

Each year the Rotary Club of Fredericton Sunrise is a proud sponsor of the Central Valley GED Graduation event held in Fredericton. In recognition of the continued achievements of GED graduates, the Club is pleased to sponsor the Fredericton Sunrise GED Bursary. This award gives support to a Central Valley GED Graduate who is continuing his/her education goals through studies in a recognized post-secondary program.



This award is open to Central Valley GED graduates who have been accepted to or are in the process of applying to a post-secondary education program in New Brunswick and have not previously received this award.


Applicants apply on the basis of their knowledge of Rotary, educational and career goals, how the GED has assisted them in working towards their goals, why they should receive the award, and a GED instructor testimonial.


Please ensure your submission is typewritten or computer generated and sent to: Lynne Lenihan at

Closing Date June 6th, 2024 (received by Selection Committee)

Bursary Amount A maximum of one (1) Bursary may be awarded each year of $500.00 each.

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