Process for Requesting Supports
Step 1: Identify Your Needs
When booking your CAEC test, decide if the universal supports provided will meet your needs or if you require additional supports.
Step 2: Select Your Support Option
During the test booking process, you will see two options:
"The above universal supports meet my needs"
"Continue" > "I require additional supports"
If you need additional supports, select the second option.
Step 3: Complete the Support Request
After selecting "I require additional supports," the accommodations coordinator will receive your request and send you an email containing a link to the testing supports request form. Fill out the form and include any required documentation (e.g., medical or educational assessments) as outlined in the email.
Step 4: Submit Your Request
Complete and submit the form as soon as possible. This ensures that your request can be reviewed well before your test date.
Step 5: Confirmation and Scheduling
The accommodations coordinator will review your submission. Once your request is approved, they will contact you to confirm your testing supports and provide details about your test date, which may be scheduled outside of regular testing sessions.
Testing Supports
Testing supports are available to assist you during the CAEC exams. These supports are not automatic and must be requested in advance. Depending on your needs, you may be eligible for extra time, scheduled breaks, or a private room.
Supports are grouped into three categories: universal supports, special arrangements, and accommodations.
All candidates must reapply for supports with each test application.
For questions, contact our accommodations coordinator Emily Morrissey:
Universal Supports
These features and tools are available to all candidates to enhance accessibility and comfort during testing. They can be requested on the day of the test, prior to starting the exam.
Special Arrangements
These are adjustments made for candidates who need additional considerations during testing. Requests for special arrangements must be submitted and approved when booking your test. Supporting documentation may be required.
Accommodations are specific supports for candidates with documented disabilities or exceptional needs. These must be applied for and approved when booking your test, with documentation provided from a healthcare or educational professional.

Booking with testing supports...
This is your dashboard on This is where you can go to book your CAEC tests. Start by clicking "book a test session"

Booking with testing supports...
After clicking "book a test session" this is the next page that you will see. If you would like to book a test with only the universal supports, press "the above universal supports satisfy my needs."
If you are looking for a special arrangement or accommodation you must press "continue"

Booking with testing supports...
Find the test that you are looking to book. *Note - search by Central Valley Adult Learning Association CAEC Testing if you are booking in Fredericton, Oromocto, or Woodstock.

Booking with testing supports...
Vretta will now confirm that you are looking to book in this test session and lets you know what the test centre will respond to your request within 2 business days of submitting. Click confirm to send in your request and book your test.

Booking with testing supports...
Within two business days - you will receive an email with a form to fill out. This is where you state what you need to be successful on your test and why.
The accommodations coordinator will then review your submission and get back to you with the next steps OR with approved testing supports and a test date, which will most likely be scheduled outside of the regular testing sessions.